Alberi, Presepi e Decorazioni natalizie/ Trees, Cribs and Christmas Decorations
Dai primi giorni di dicembre fino all'ultimo giorno prima delle vacanze natalizie, gli alunni di tutte le classi della nostra scuola primaria "A. Ciancia" e della scuola dell'infanzia "G. Rodari" sono stati impegnati in attività didattiche riguardanti il Natale. Insieme agli insegnanti, nelle varie classi, hanno addobbato alberi, allestito presepi, decorato le finestre, realizzato biglietti augurali e piccoli regali con le proprie mani per i loro genitori, intonato canti natalizi, preparato drammatizzazioni, imparato poesie, ricercato informazioni... il tutto per vivere tutti insieme, nel modo più consapevole e sentito, questo particolare momento dell'anno.
From the first days of December till the last day before the Christmas holidays, the pupils of all the classes of our "A. Ciancia" primary school and of the"G. Rodari" infant school were busy in didactical activities referred to Christmas. With all the teachers , in the various classrooms, they put up trees, set up cribs, decorated windows, made Christmas cards and little gifts with their own hands for their parents, sang Christmas carols, prepared dramas, learnt poems, searched information ... everythings to live all together, in the most conscious and heartfelt way, this particular time of the year.
From the first days of December till the last day before the Christmas holidays, the pupils of all the classes of our "A. Ciancia" primary school and of the"G. Rodari" infant school were busy in didactical activities referred to Christmas. With all the teachers , in the various classrooms, they put up trees, set up cribs, decorated windows, made Christmas cards and little gifts with their own hands for their parents, sang Christmas carols, prepared dramas, learnt poems, searched information ... everythings to live all together, in the most conscious and heartfelt way, this particular time of the year.
Ecco alcune foto/Here are some photos:
ll clima di preparazione al Natale non è stato vissuto dagli alunni solo a scuola ma anche nelle proprie case. Anche lì, ognuno ha preparato il proprio presepe, il proprio albero, le proprie decorazioni in attesa del grande evento. I bambini della classe 5^B hanno fotografato alcuni dei loro preparativi.
The Christmas preparation atmosphere hasn't been lived only at school but in own homes as well. Also there, each one prepared his own crib, his own tree, his own decorations waiting the great event. The class 5 B children photographed some of their preparations.
The Christmas preparation atmosphere hasn't been lived only at school but in own homes as well. Also there, each one prepared his own crib, his own tree, his own decorations waiting the great event. The class 5 B children photographed some of their preparations.
Scuola Primaria "A. Ciancia" Francavilla in Sinni(PZ) - Italia
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